release date: September 3rd, 2021
available as a digital download
There was a time, a wonderful time, when everyone was locked up in their own spaces, locked up and distant. Who knows what they were doing? Who knows how they were suffering or what pains they were going through? This was a wonderful age when I didn't know and to be honest, I didn't care. That was, I am supposing, the point. Who knew? No one needs to find out. There was peace and solitude as I descended down that elevator shaft. I was alone at last, and everything was finally right with the world.
But out there, in that world there were terrible awful beasts, whose sheer obscenity was somewhat engrossing to witness... from afar. It was the beauty of the old ones, a sort of twisted perfect cthulhuian form of monster that would just blow your mind. Too unbelievable to exist in this world... and yet they do. Oh shit, do they ever.
it-clings again recruits the talents of a variety of artists from around the world to put music to his words. Featuring 40 Octaves Below, bBomit, Death of Self, Negutyv Xeiro, Les Gorges Des Limbes, Torturing Nurse, and Virtual Terrorist.
1. The Coming Plague (Subliminal Mutation Featuring 40 Octaves Below)
2. Beautiful Karen (Live, Laugh, Love Mix Featuring Death of Self)
3. Fucking Right (Never Wrong Version Featuring Negutyv Xeiro)
4. Cumming Plague 2020 (bBomit Remix)
5. Beautiful Karen (Black Hole Version Featuring Negutyv Xeiro)
6. The Coming Plague (Misanthropic Second Paradise Mix Featuring Death of Self)
7. Plagues (The Future Sucks Remix By Virtual Terrorist)
8. bBootiful Karen (bBomit Remix)
9. Beautiful Karen (Accretion Disk Version by Les Gorges Des Limbes)
10. Fucking Right (Fuck Nostradamus, We Know The Future Mix Featuring Death of Self)
11. Beautiful Karen (Extreme Distress Featuring Torturing Nurse)
Vocals by it-clings
Mastered by Worms of the Earth
Cover Art bySteph Dumais www.raisinlove.com
bcp logo by B. Benoit
release date: Friday Oct 23rd, 2020
available on limited edition vinyl 7" and digital download
Prepare yourself for the pivotal event of 2020! When you look back at 2020 you will think about this: Death of Self joining forces with it-clings to release a two track single: The Worst Song in the World. Yeah, that's right, a sentence with double colons. We could have maybe used quotes or italics instead of that second colon, but we didn't and we're fine with that. Think of one colon being Death of Self and the other it-clings. Now everything makes sense. Now everything is right with the world.
You might disagree and point to this single as proof that all is not right with the world.
But you're wrong. Although this single is a horrible monstrosity there also just happens to be something perfect about it. These two tracks should be able to effect you emotionally, in some sort of way. Listen to it again and again. Let it wash over you. Yeah, maybe we're living in terrible times, maybe existence is a tragedy. It is nothing but an endless cycle of monotony after all. You struggle through five days of the week only to encounter the patheticness of the weekend, a goal that seems, when it comes down to it, sort of empty and hollow. But you struggle... and isn't there value in that struggle? Isn't there nobility in that? Actually, no and no. No there is not.
Will the truth about how this single came about ever be revealed? it-clings has stated for the record that he is far too ashamed to reveal the truth. Why did Death of Self get involved? He was down for it the second it-clings suggested it to him. Perhaps he's a glutton for self punishment. That could explain things.
Anyway, with the release of this masterpiece we hope that your Fridays will never the be the same. We hope that this track, becomes, in your misguided mind, the epitome of "the Song of the Summer of 2020". That's what you, summer and the year 2020 all deserve! It doesn't matter that it was released post-summer. You can look back and remember whatever you want, if you only put a little effort into it. Think of THAT as this song's gift to you.
Music by Death of Self
Vocals by it-clings and Death of Self
Mastered by Worms of the Earth
Cover Art by KClay Photo
bcp logo by B. Benoit
Friday Originally by Clarence Jeyaretnam and Patrice Wilson
Copyright Miam Music Publishing
Available in digital format. Also available in limited edition Vinyl, CD and cassette tape!
As you can imagine, it's been a hard couple of years for it-clings. Having propelled himself to the very pinnacle of success the self-named "biggest fucking thing in the whole fucking world" has spiraled into a self-deprecating pit of despair. Nothing much had been going on since his last release in 2012. Back in those days he experienced all the glamour and exuberance of a fantasy world of his own creation, a made up post-modern existence where he filled his emptiness with excess and inflated his ego with lies and bravado. And when that failed him, he could always fall back on just getting angry about everything. That was his way of coping with shit.
But jump ahead a few years and everything has caught up with him. His anger and hostility towards the world was perhaps just as empty and meaningless as the dull pitiful lives of those mindless sheep he used to rail against. Maybe there was no space in this new world for it-clings. But at some point he met Nerve War, and by met I mean he encountered him on the internet. This guy still had hope, still had dreams, and still wanted to watch the world burn. With Nerve War's help there was still a place for it-clings.
Are you looking for answers? Well, 'Endless Meaningless Unhelpful and Uncalled for Drivel' isn't the album for you. What is it? It's a hodgepodge of disjointed thoughts and songs, the pounding bass and scathing synthesis adds to the atrocities spoken by it-clings. The assholes behind this filth are connected only through their complacency in the pointless banality of modern existence. This isn't exactly something new and it-clings isn't the first to admit it. 'Endless Meaningless Unhelpful and Uncalled for Drivel' isn't the answer, it's part of the problem.
Unbelievably, this was it-clings' third full length release. He has appeared on countless releases by other artists (actually a very countable 18) and has written several books. Originally from Toronto, he lived in Halifax, Nova Scotia for far too long. That was a mistake. Halifax is terrible. He now lives in Toronto again.
Nerve War has written/released countless albums (again, a very countable 14) under various project names encompassing many different styles such as metal, industrial, electronic, noise and experimental. Nerve War is from many places but for some reason he currently lives in the bowels of Kansas City, Misery.
Music by Nerve War / Brandon Duncan
Text written and performed by it-clings / Squid
Art by Steph Dumais
Mastered by Famine
No one had any idea what was unleashed upon the world with the creation of it-clings. Most people didn't even notice at all. But the idea that this idiot could somehow become the biggest fucking thing in the whole fucking world seemed insane. There was absolutely no reason for such a thing to happen. No one asked for it, no one wanted it and no one could have made it possible even if those two other points had not been true. And yet BANG, with the release of the 2012 double CD "I'm the biggest fucking thing in the whole fucking world" it became reality.
No one has ever understood it-clings. You don't get him either. Is it satire? Is it social commetary? Is it attention seeking? Probably all three and more. "I'm very uncomfortable with what he is saying," you say, and you're not alone. it-clings becomes everything that is terrible within the world and by absorbing all this into him he expands, he becomes engorged with this filth and expands more. Then, you know what happens? Somehow, somewhere... people like this. It makes no sense but they do. They think they understand but they don't, but they are the worst people in the world. They don't get it. No one ever has.
"I don't think this qualifies as art," you conclude. You're right.
But can even the legendary it-clings do it all alone? You may think yes, but you'd be totally wrong. To take on this world he has gathered around him, like a pile of lecherous parasites, a smattering of musical artists of different styles, who have been blessed with the mission of turning it-clings words into song. This double CD features guest appearances by Greg Kowalczyk (compUterus), Dan Barrett (Worms of the Earth), Bart Piette (Dead Man's Hill), Jorge Oliveira (Thermidor), Justin Brink (Pneumatic Detach), En & Arc (DYM), Autovoice, Adam Edge (Razor Edge), Yann Faussurier (Iszoloscope, Memmaker), Nick Gorman (Fractured), Jonny Darko (Receiver), Fred S. (Katastroslavia) James Church (Lucidstatic), Ethan Moseley (Promonium Jesters), & Jonbob! Mastered by Johnny S.
it-clings and Pneumatic Detach combined forces to release this 2007 juggernaut of an album. It is quite possibly the angriest album ever released.
"The All Too Logical Descent into Madness" is a reinvention of the archetypal industrial album. With a cynicism that borders on paranoia and psychopathy, this concept album drives the nail of truth home into the surface of all that we deem trivial and mundane, and all that we casually choose to ignore. Searching past the banality of existence, it is a stark look at the world where the only correct conclusions, the only logical conclusions are those of utter madness. And where does the blame for this insanity lie? It lies within everything and everyone.
We heard what you said: "why the fuck should I buy a bunch of crappy fucking cds or hunt down a pile of digital downloads by talentless hacks just to get my hands on all the it-clings tracks! This is total fucking bullshit." And you know what, you're 100% correct. Why the fuck should you waste your bandwidth downloading bullshit songs by bullshit artists when all you really want is to get your dirty hands on a collection of it-clings tracks?
That's what this release is all about: it's all the it-clings tracks put together into one god damned hit parade of a bitter angry yell fest.
Did we ask anyone's permission before releasing this? Fuck no. In essence it's totally illegal. Are we concerned about this? Fuck no. Anyone who has a problem with this release can kiss my mother fucking asshole.
Although when you sit back and listen to it-clings track after it-clings track you should start to ask yourself, "who the fuck is this angry belligerent asshole? And why the fuck should I be listening to his bullshit ideas?" And to this there is no response. Maybe even listening to a legitimate copy of this release should be illegal. Maybe you should have just stuck with listening to all the other safe tracks from all those other crappy releases that you didn't even buy in the first place. it-clings is obviously deranged. He is obviously a grave threat to your safe moral code.
But at least, you're now thinking, that buying this release will help keep the music industry alive, will help keep artists producing quality music, will make you feel good for supporting the artists behind the music you love and all that other total bullshit propaganda you've been hearing. It's not true. As soon as you buy this release the money will be instantly gone, spent on useless bullshit and drugs and booze. Probably the money you spent on this release will end up, through a few ill thought transactions, right in the hands of the terrorists that wish to destroy you. It's probably not a bad idea: those terrorists probably should destroy you. You are horrible people!
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release date: Dec 11, 2016
Available for purchase from bcp or Amazon
it-clings was never a musician, was never a poet, was never a hero or someone to look up to. it-clings was always the worst. That bad part of you? That's the part of you that likes it-clings. That the part of you that thinks that it-clings has some reasonable things to say? You should be worried. That part of you that thinks that it-clings is onto something is the worst part of you. Somehow at the release of this book it-clings has put out two albums, one of them a double CD. He also appeared on the recordings of 18 other musicians released in North America, Europe and Asia. What makes this achievement so amazing is that he did all this all without any talent, without any ambition and without any purpose. In truth, he did it all out of spite. He's performed in front of crowds of thousands and they�ve cheered and clapped at his contempt for them, they laughed and were shocked. These people heard but did not listen. They listened but didn't understand. it-clings feels nothing but disdain for all of them. But now he's released this book of poetry. He has as much repugnance for poetry as he has for music and art and the human condition.
available from:
bugs crawling out of people
Canadian Amazon
It is also available through other Amazon websites throughout the world, but I'm not supplying all those links. Find your own local Amazon and do a search there.